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Evergreen Pyrethrum Concentrate
Evergreen Pyrethrum Concentrate is a broad spectrum, botanical insecticide that can be used in OMRI certified organic production.
Evergreen Pyrethrum Concentrate Features:
* Contains pyrethrins - a botanical insecticide derived from chrysanthemums
* Fast acting
* Degrades in sunlight and leaves no residue
* Kills more than 140 insects
* Indoor/outdoor use
* For use in food handling, processing, and storage areas
Evergreen Pyrethrum Concentrate Uses/Applications:
Indoor Use Areas: Aircraft (not aircraft cabins), animal areas and quarters, animal shelters, apartments, attics, barns, bathrooms, buses, cafeterias, canneries, casinos, cattle barns, churches, classrooms, court houses, dairies, factories, garages, gas stations, health care facilites, homes, hotels, kennels, livestock barns, milk rooms, museums, nursing homes, pounds, rabbit processing plants, railroad cars, restaurants, schools, swine houses, taverns, trucks, USDA inspected facilites, wineraies, zoos, and more!
Outdoor Use Areas: Alleys, amusement parks, back yards, baseball fields, campgrounds, drive-in restaurants, fair grounds, garbage dumps, gardens, kennels, livestock pasture, parks, patios, playgrounds, racetracks, side walks, tennis courts, wild animal parks, zoos and other similar areas, and more!
For Use On: Beefalo, birds, buffalo, calves, cattle (beef and milking), chickens, donkeys, ducks, elk, emus, exotics, geese, goats, hogs, horses, lambs, livestock, llamas, mules, ostrich, oxen, pheasants, ponies, poultry, pullets, quail, ratites, roosters, sheep, swine, and turkeys.
IMPORTANT NOTE: It is recommended that the final spray mix be buffered to a pH of 5.5 - 7.0. Outside of this range pyrethrins can degrade and the product will lose effectiveness. To avoid possible harm to honey bees and other beneficial insects, it is advisable to apply when the non-target insects are least active.
Pyrethrins degrade rapidly in sunlight. To ensure the best performance, coverage is key. Use spray equipment that will provide the best coverage and direct contact with as many insects as possible.
TANK MIX: This product may be tank mixed with other insecticides, acaricides, fungicides, adjuvants, and wetting agents. This application should conform to accepted use precautions and directions for both products. Tank mix applications must be made in accordance with the more restrictive of label limitations and precautions. No label application rates may be exceeded. This product cannot be mixed with any product with label prohibitions against such mixing. Prior to tank mixing, a compatibility test should be conducted using the proper proportions of products and water to ensure the physical compatibility of the mixture.
PHYTOTOXICITY NOTE: Plant safety is an important consideration when using insecticides in a greenhouse. However, it is not possible to evaluate the phytotoxicity of Evergreen® Pyrethrum Concentrate on numerous plant varieties that may react differently to insecticides in different growth stages or under varying environmental conditions. Before making widespread applications of Evergreen® Pyrethrum Concentrate or tank mix combinations, treat a limited number of plants and observe for phytotoxicity over a 10-day period.
FOR GROWING CROPS IN GREENHOUSES AND NURSERIES: Apply 4.5 to 18 fluid ounces per acre (333 ml to 1,331 ml/Ha) by ground equipment in sufficient water for thorough coverage. This product may be applied by air at the rate of 4.5 to 18 fluid ounces per acre (333 ml to 1,331 ml/Ha) in a minimum of 20 gallons (75.6L) of water. Mix only enough for immediate use. Spraying should begin when insects first appear. Do not wait until plants are heavily infested. Do not apply more than 1 time per day.
Evergreen Pyrethrum Concentrate Target Pests:
To Kill the Following Insects: Ants (excluding fire and pharoah ants), aphids, apple maggots, bagworms, beetles, billbugs, blow flies, boll weevils, boxelder bugs, brown dog ticks, cadelles, cankerworms, caterpillars, cigarette beetles, cockroaches, confused flour beetles, crickets, dried fruit beetles, earwigs, fire worms, flieas, fruit flies, fungus gnats, gnats, grain mites, grasshoppers, house flies, katydids, lice, loopers, mealy bugs, millipedes, mites, mole crickets, moths, pepper weevils, poultry lice, red flour beetles, scales, silverfish, sow bugs, spiders (excluding brown recluse spiders), spider beetles, stink bugs, thrips, tomato bugs, vinegar flies, webworms, yellow mealworms, and many more!
Evergreen Pyrethrum Concentrate Active Ingredients:
Pyrethrins, a botanical insecticide...................5.00%

Evergreen Pyrethrum Concentrate Active Ingredients:
Pyrethrins, a botanical insecticide...................5.00%
Evergreen Pyrethrum Concentrate EPA Reg. No. 1021-2560
Evergreen Pyrethrum Concentrate Size: 1 pint bottle / 1 gallon jug
Evergreen Pyrethrum Concentrate Class: Pyrethrins, Botanical Insecticide
Evergreen Pyrethrum Concentrate Category: Insecticide, Concentrate, Botanical
Evergreen Pyrethrum Concentrate Manufacturer: MGK