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Sector Misting Concentrate is a water-based insecticide designed for misting systems.
Sector Misting Concentrate provides knockdown, kill, and residual control of the toughest flying insect problems, including mosquitoes, flies, and other nuisance insects.
Sector Misting Concentrate Features:
* Water-based polymeric surfactant system is stable in solution and will not harm most common ornamental plants
* Ideal for high mosquito populations or hard to kill insects such as gnats, biting midges and no-see-ums
* Unique formula combines Permethrin with the synergist PBO for a higher level of performance
* Broad-spectrum insecticide
Sector Misting Concentrate Uses/Applications:
Indoor Use Areas: Bakeries, beverage plants, canneries, flour mills, food processing plants, grain elevators, granaries, homes, hospitals, hotels, industrial installations, kennels, meat packing plants, motels, office buildings, railroad cars, restaurants, schools, ship holds, supermarkets, truck trailers, warehouses, and more!
Outdoor Use Areas: Corrals, drive-in theaters, drive-in restaurants, feed lots, gardens, homes, parks, golf courses, playgrounds, recreational areas, swine lots, urban areas, zoos and more!
In areas such as animal quarters, dairy and beef barns, poultry houses, swine housing, warehouses, zoos and other listed livestock or animal housing areas. To kill Flies, House Flies, Horn Flies, Stable Flies, Deer Flies, Horse Flies, Mosquitoes, Gnats, Hornets, Wasps, Yellow Jackets, Fire Brats, Small Flying Moths, Earwigs, Fleas, Ticks, including Deer Ticks, Crickets, Cockroaches, Silverfish, Spiders and other listed insects: Mix 1/2 gallon (64 fluid ounces or 1.9 L) of concentrate in 55 gallons (208 L) of water. For high populations of insects or when treating species that are difficult to control, mix up to 1 gallon (3.78 L) of concentrate in 55 gallons (208 L) of water. When filling tank, partially fill the system reservoir tank with water, add concentrate to tank, then add water to obtain desired dilution. System nozzles should deliver fine particle size droplets (aerosol or mist). Do not use in commercial food/feed handing establishments, restaurants, or other areas where food is commercially prepared or processed.
Use to control or temporarily reduce annoyance from accessible stages of: Mosquitoes, Flies, House Flies, Gnats, Deer Flies, Horse Flies, Hornets, Wasps, Yellow Jackets, Fire Brats, Small Flying Moths, Earwigs, Fleas, Ticks, including Deer Ticks, Crickets, Cockroaches, Silverfish, Spiders and other nuisance insects. Mix 1/2 gallon (64 fluid ounces or 1.9 L) of concentrate in 55 gallons (208 L) of water. For high populations of insects or when treating species that are difficult to control, mix up to 1 gallon (3.78 L) of concentrate in 55 gallons (208 L) of water.
Sector Misting Concentrate Target Pests:
For the effective control of: Angoumois grain moths, ants, armyworms, bed bugs, bees, black flies, cadelles, centipedes, chinch bugs, clothes moths, cockroaches, crickets, deer flies, deer ticks, ear ticks, earwigs, fire ants, firebrats, fleas flies, fruit flies, gnats, hornets, horse flies, house flies, lice, mealworms, millipedes, mites, mole crickets, mosquitoes, pillbugs, poultry mites, rice weevils, scorpions, silverfish, sowbugs, spiders, ticks, wasps, waterbugs, yellow jackets, and many more!
Sector Misting Concentrate Active Ingredients:
Piperonyl butoxide, Technical.............12.00%
NOTE: NOT REGISTERED for use in Automatic ULV Spraying Systems in New York.

Sector Misting Concentrate Active Ingredients:
Piperonyl butoxide, Technical.............12.00%
Sector Misting Concentrate EPA Reg. No. 1021-1834
Sector Misting Concentrate Size: ½ gallon jug / 1 gallon jug
Sector Misting Concentrate Class: Pyrethroid, Insecticide Synergist
Sector Misting Concentrate Category: Insecticide, Concentrate, Mist
Sector Misting Concentrate Manufacturer: MGK