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B&G Multi-Dose Bait Gun
B&G Multi-Dose Bait Gun is used for application of paste or gel formulations of insecticides.
B&G Multi-Dose Bait Gun Features:
* Precision application of gel baits for cockroach and ant control
* Range of bait placement sizes available from calibrated knob
* Consistent delivery with each trigger pull
* Deluxe holster
* Works with most baits
* Retracting plunger design eliminates drip at the tip
* Saves you money on wasted bait due to over application when using inexpensive bait guns
B&G Multi-Dose Bait Gun Operating Instructions:
Attach Syringe:
* Retract the plunger to the base of the gun
* Place the syringe between the locking tabs and twist to the right
Select Setting:
* Select the setting (1-4) by pulling the adjustment knob out and turning to the right or left
* Align number with the triangle point on the side of the gun
* Setting #1 - This setting will deliver the ¼ inch or the 0.25 gram placement recommended by all the major gel-bait products, including Advance, Advion, Alpine, Invicta, Maxforce, and Vendetta.
* Setting #2, 3 - This setting typically delivers 0.35 grams of bait, depending on the product
* Setting #4 - This setting will deliver 0.50 gram placement recommended by the label on Advance, Advion, Alpine, and Vendetta. Two (1 gram) or three (1.5 grams) trigger pulls will deliver the large placements for Maxforce.

B&G Multi-Dose Bait Gun Category: Tool, Bait Gun
B&G Multi-Dose Bait Gun Manufacturer: B&G Equipment