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InTice Thiquid Ant Bait
InTice™ Thiquid™ Ant Bait is perfect for use on those stubborn, bait resistant house ants!
InTice™ Thiquid™ Ant Bait is formulated as a thick syrup which is very attractive to all common house ants with the exception of pharaoh, carpenter, fire, and harvester ants. It may be used on its own, in a bait station, or placed on another surface such as cardboard. Plus, it will not run on flat surfaces!
InTice™ Thiquid™ Ant Bait Features:
* Thick syrup bait
* For indoor and outdoor use
* Attracts ants fast
* Kills the ants you see and the ants in the nest
* Odorless formula
* May be used as is or with bait stations
InTice™ Thiquid™ Ant Bait Uses/Applications:
Controlling and Eliminating Ants: First ants will come in large numbers, but soon disappear. This product is formulated to allow worker ants to consume the product and survive long enough to carry the liquid back to the nest and deliver a dose to the rest of the colony. Monitor the placements and ensure there is always a fresh supply of InTice Thiquid Ant Bait at each placement.
Indoor Use: Apply InTice Thiquid Ant Bait to small pieces of cardboard, paper or foil, or in purpose built bait stations and place product in areas inaccessible to children and pets, where ants are seen, such as the edges of sinks, tubs, window sills, under food cabinets, along floors and base boards and in corners. Use plenty of bait placements, the more bait placements the better. Since invading ants usually have outdoor nesting sites, it often helps to put the product outside, close to where ants are found entering the structure. Ants typically follow defined trails from the nest to food or water. Placing InTice Thiquid Ant Bait close to these trails will improve control.
Outdoor Use: Environmental Hazards: Do not apply directly to water, or to areas where surface water is present or to intertidal areas below the mean high-water mark. Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment washwaters or rinsate. Locate areas around the building where ants are seen trailing. Apply InTice Thiquid Ant Bait in areas inaccessible to children and pets. For a perimeter defense system, place the bait stations against the foundation where the trails are found. Spacing the bait stations every 5 to 10 feet will provide the best results. Check the bait stations regularly for activity. Remember ants will feed on InTice Thiquid Ant Bait and carry the bait back to the rest of the colony. Heavy infestations may require several bait placement refills. InTice Thiquid Ant Bait can be diluted with water to obtain a 1% or 2.5% solution of Borax. Such a dilution is helpful when a substantial volume of InTice Thiquid Ant Bait is needed in a baiting program designed to control very large multi-queen and multi-colony ant infestations.
1% Dilution: 1 part InTice Thiquid Ant Bait to 4 parts water. Mix thoroughly.
2.5% Dilution: 1 part InTice Thiquid Ant Bait to 1 part water. Mix thoroughly.
Using InTice Thiquid Ant Bait in Bait Stations: Apply InTice Thiquid Ant Bait using bait stations designed to hold bait. This product will work well in Rockwell's BaitPlate, D-Sect and PFT stations (sold separately). Diluted InTice Thiquid Ant Bait may also be spot sprayed just to the point of run-off onto building foundations, fence posts and other stationary structures outdoors. Do not spray on grass or plants.
InTice™ Thiquid™ Ant Bait Target Pests:
Attracts and Kills All Common Ants Including: Argentine, ghost, cornfield, pavement, pharaoh, acrobat, white footed, little black, odorous, rover, crazy, big headed, and other sweet feeding ants except carpenter, fire, and harvester ants.
InTice™ Thiquid™ Ant Bait Active Ingredients:
Sodium Tetraborate Decahydrate (Borax)................5.0%

InTiceâ„¢ Thiquidâ„¢ Ant Bait Active Ingredients:
Sodium Tetraborate Decahydrate (Borax)................5.0%
InTiceâ„¢ Thiquidâ„¢ Ant Bait EPA Reg. No. 73079-7
InTiceâ„¢ Thiquidâ„¢ Ant Bait Size: 4 fl oz, 128 fl oz
InTiceâ„¢ Thiquidâ„¢ Ant Bait Class: Boric Acid
InTiceâ„¢ Thiquidâ„¢ Ant Bait Category: Bait, Ant, Liquid
InTiceâ„¢ Thiquidâ„¢ Ant Bait Manufacturer: Rockwell Labs Ltd