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Naprovit Pro Plus Misting System
64 oz Bottle, Save By The Case!
Naprovit PRO Plus
Contrary to conventional insecticides that are neurotoxins, Naprovit PRO Plus is non-toxic and poses no harmful risks to humans, pets, plants or the environment. However, it is deadly to insects.
Most toxic pesticides attack the insects central nervous system, but Naprovit PRO instantly interrupts the respiratory systems of certain insects, suffocating them. Therefore, Naprovit PRO does NOT contribute to insecticide tolerance or resistance in insects.
Naprovit PRO Plus Features:
* Non-Hazardous
* Odorless
* Non-Fuming
* Non-Staining
* Non-Flammable
* Non-Corrosive
* Biodegradable
* Safe for use around pets
* Will not harm aquatic life
* Safe to use around food
* Safe for use on or around plants
Naprovit PRO Plus Uses / Applications:
For use in or around: Ampitheaters, amusement parks, animal shelters, athletic fields, back yards, barns, boat houses, cafeterias, campgrounds, canneries, circuses, compost heaps, concession stands, corrals, country clubs, day care facilities, dumpsters, feedlots, food processing plants, fruit packing, gardens, gazebos, gold courses, kennels, kitchens, landfills, marinas, meat packing mobile homes, parks, patios, playgrounds, poultry houses, restaurants, schools, stables, warehouses, and zoos.
Directions for use in misting equipment: For best results, mix 64 oz with 54 gallons of fresh water. Do not over or under dilute.
Naprovit PRO Plus Target Pests:
Mosquitoes, spiders, wasps, hornets, midges (No-see-ums), gnats, and many other types of small flying insects
Naprovit PRO Plus Active Ingredients:
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate .............................. 6.4%
Soybean Oil ........................................ 1.6%
Corn Oil ........................................... 0.08%
64 oz Container
Naprovit PRO Plus qualifies as an EPA MINIMUM RISK PESTICIDE. All ingredients are compliant with the criteria for the EPAs FIFRA 25(b) exemption from registration as a pesticide.

Naprovit PRO Plus Active Ingredients:
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate .............................. 6.4%
Soybean Oil ........................................ 1.6%
Corn Oil ........................................... 0.08%
Naprovit PRO Plus qualifies as an EPA MINIMUM RISK PESTICIDE. All ingredients are compliant with the criteria for the EPAs FIFRA 25(b) exemption from registration as a pesticide.
Naprovit PRO Plus Contains: 64 oz Jug
Naprovit PRO Plus Category: Misting System Insect Control
Naprovit PRO Plus Manufacturer: Natural Misting Solutions