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Trelona ATBS Annual Bait Stations


Contains "NovaLuron" - The Fastest Acting Chitin Inhibitor Available!

Compare To Sentricon Always Active

16 Pre-Baited Termite Bait Stations per Box

Trelona / Advance Termite Bait Articles


Trelona Compressed Termite Bait is a termite bait that may be used in conjunction with a management program for the protection of structures against subterranean termites. Trelona Compressed Termite Bait provides faster termite elimination while using less bait!

For More Information on Trelona® and Advance - Click Here

Trelona Compressed Termite Bait contains the active ingredient, novaluron, which is an insect development inhibitor. When termites eat it, novaluron impairs the ability of termites to molt and produce eggs! Termites will either die or are incapacitated by their inability to complete the molting process. Termite control can be achieved within months, depending on the colony size, when using Trelona Compressed Termite Bait. Consumption of the bait will cause the termite colony to decline, and by continued consumption, the remaining termites may result in the total elimination of the colony. Because it exploits termites' social food sharing behavior, even termites that do not directly feed on the bait are affected!

Trelona Compressed Termite Bait Features:
* May be used to prevent or treat existing infestations
* For use in the Advance Termite Baiting System
* Termite control can be achieved within a few months!
* Works with the Advance Termite Baiting System

Trelona Compressed Termite Bait Uses/Applications:
Pre-Bait Monitoring / Direct Baiting: Pre-baiting is a process by which termite activity is established at a location prior to the application of bait at that location. Once the pre-bait has been consumed, termite can normally be induced to consume the bait. The termites then attract other colony members to the bait station where they, in turn, also consume the baut. If there is termite activity in a pre-baited station, make bait continuously available for colony consumption by placing bait in the station and replenishing consumed amounts of bait for as long as termite activity is present in the station. Alternatively, bait can be placed in stations at any time prior to termite activity, with or without the presence of termites.

Station Installation: To install a station, excavate or form a hole in the ground approximately the same size and dimensions as those of the station. Insert the station into the hole. Maximizing contact between the exterior of the station and the earth during installation will increase the probability of termite entrance into the station. If the station is inserted into an opening created through a hardened construction such as concrete slab, asphalt, etc., insert the station below the surface (in contact with the ground) and seal securely.

Install stations at, or preferably within approximately 5 ft of points of known, probable, or suspected termite foraging, and at other critical areas. Such areas may include areas with concentrations of cellulose-containing debris, such as mulch or wood scraps, in contact with the ground, areas of moderate soil moisture, shaded areas, areas containing plant root systems, ath traps, visible termite foraging tubes, etc.

Install stations around a structure such that, except where sufficient access to the ground is not available, the maximum interval between any 2 stations does not exceed 20 ft. If the distance between any 2 points of accessible ground around the structure exceeds 30 ft, it may be advisable to form 1 or more openings in the surface creating the inaccessibility to facilitate baiting between those points.

If the structure has an accessible crawl space, stations can be installed in the crawl space in lieu of or in addition to installing stations around the structure. Stations can be installed within a slab structure at existing or created openings in the slab surface through which ground is accessible and into which the station can be installed in a secure manner.

Inspecting a Station and Placing Bait: To inspect a station, remove the cover and visually examine the interior for the presence of termites, if present. If live termites are present in the station, place bait into the station. If it appears, upon reinspection, that>1/2 of the bait has been consumed, replace the bait. If termites are not present, inspect bait or pre-bait for excessive decay or moisture saturation. Replace excessively decayed bait or pre-bait. Replace the station cover securely.

If termites have not been present in the station for approximately 60 days, any remaining bait may be removed. If the bait is removed, clean out the station and replace the monitor (pre-bait) or bait. Alternatively, bait may remain in the station if it is in good condition and >½ remains. If termites have abandoned the station, possibly due to reductions in termite activity related to low temperatures during the period of predicted limited termite activity, it may be advisable to leave the station and bait in place and recheck the station again after the period of predicted limited termite activity has elapsed before removing and replacing the bait. If termites have permanently abandoned the station due to excessive moisture, remove the saturated bait and re-bait the station with fresh bait at that time or after the excess moisture condition has abated.

If a station, upon repeated inspection, is found to contain moisture (water standing at the bottom of the station or cavity, etc), relocate the station, if possible, to a nearby area where the soil is better drained or alternately, modify the station location to prevent water from collecting in the station by, for example, creating a sump area under the installed station or at the bottom of the cavity.

Keys are sold separately.

Kit Contains: 16 Stations Pre-loaded with Trelona® Compressed Termite Bait

Trelona Compressed Termite Bait Target Pests:
Subterranean termites.

Trelona Compressed Termite Bait Active Ingredients:


Spider Key Not Included

New product
Trelona Compressed Termite Bait Active Ingredients:

Trelona Compressed Termite Bait EPA Reg. No. 499-557

Trelona ATBS Direct Bait Stations Size: 16 stations preloaded with Trelona Compressed Termite Bait and Termite Monitoring Base
Trelona Compressed Termite Bait Class: Benzoylurea
Trelona Compressed Termite Bait Category: Herbicide, Concentrate, Termite
Trelona ATBS Direct Bait Stations Manufacturer: BASF / Whitmire Micro-Gen

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