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ePestSupply Do It Yourself Professionally

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The reason for this email is to thank you for your business, and also to introduce you to the many resources that are available to you to help you use your products most effectively - to get the best results.

Most professionals have a thorough understanding of the pests they are controlling, which chemicals and methods work, and also a treatment plan in place. They make it look easy, but they also charge a lot of money!

In this email, I will outline a very brief strategy that should help you get the best overall results with a minimal effort. You can Do-It-Yourself Professionally.

So let's get started!

1. Know your target pest before treatment. An overall "nuke" everything approach usually doesn't provide good results. Pesticides are designed to kill insects in different ways.. A single pesticide usually doesn't kill everything. If you know the names of the pests you are trying to control then you can study them and have a basic understanding of their habits, biology and life cycle. Knowing this BEFORE you apply pesticides helps in your control efforts. Visit our pest library to learn more about all kinds of pests.

2. Read the label of the pesticide before use. Each pesticide product is required by the EPA to have what is called a "label". The label is basically a set of directions attached to the container and is either a single label or a "peel" away label with several pages. The information in this label covers everything from what pest it controls to how to mix and apply it. It also contains safety information that you need to know such as what protective clothing you should wear, etc. Reading this label before you mix and apply the pesticide is critical to getting the best control possible. Labels are also available for download on each products information page on our website.

3. Have a basic treatment plan. Most insect infestations cannot be controlled with a single treatment. This is due to several factors, the most important being eggs, and the insects life cycle. Most pesticides do a good job of killing adults. Eggs, larvae, pupae and immature stages are often not controlled immediately and require a second, third or regular pesticide application for control. This is why most professional pest control companies sell a "monthly" or regular service plan. Knowing in advance the insects life cycle, how many treatments are needed and having a basic plan will help to get better longer lasting control.

4. If you need help, contact us. The ePestSupply advantage is that we are a real pest control company with licensed registered applicators and an A.C.E Certified Entomologist on Staff. Our experience is second to none. For almost 50 years we have been helping people solve some of the toughest pest problems around. Our online site - ePestSupply, services customers in all 50 States and in over 35 International countries. If you need help, feel free to contact us by phone at 1-855-553-7378 or by email at customercare@epestsupply.com. No dumb questions, so don't be afraid to ask. We are here to help.

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13661 Jupiter Rd Ste 301  Dallas, Texas 75238
1-855-553-EPEST  (7378)
