Your Do-It-Yourself Headquarters For The Toughest Pest Control Problems
No Pest Control License Required
ePestSupply sells general use professional quality pesticides. We do not sell restricted use pesticides. In most States, general use pesticides are available to be sold for personal and private use. The exception to this is that if someone performs pest control as a service and charges money for their service, they must possess a business license as well as an applicators license.
If you do not have a pest control license, you can still purchase the same products that are sold to professional pest control companies. All products for sale on our website are general use and can be purchased for personal use. Any product that is not for sale your State will have a statement on that products sale page that says "this product not for sale in "any" State.
We know and understand pest control. For over 40 years, our founders have been involved in the pest control business in the North Texas area and have helped customers just like you all over the World.
So whether you are a homeowner, facilities manager, janitorial company, maintenance firm or just don't have a pest control license, we can help!
To learn more about how to do your own pest control signup for our newsletter, email us at customercare@epestsupply.com or call us toll free at 1-855-55-EPEST (37378).
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Email: Customercare@epestsupply.com
Phone: 1-855-55-EPEST (37378)