The Magic of Remote Monitoring with iMist®
The MistAway® Mosquito misting systems are highly specialized. They require strategic installation and occasional fine tuning to make them perform satisfactorily.
If you own a newer Gen 3+ Tankless system with iMist®, you are in a great position to potentially save service fees. This is because the Gen 3+ Tankless holds 1 full gallon of misting solution - up to 2 times the amount of solution over a 55 gallon drum, which potentially means fewer service calls. (Depends on number of nozzles).
If you own a 55 gallon drum system or a MistAway® Gen 1.3 or newer with iMist®, you are also in a great position to potentially save service fees.
Through the power of the internet with iMist2 and now the power of cellular based towers with iMist3, we can remotely monitor your system to diagnose and determine problems without having to make a service visit. In some cases, this is as simple as resetting the system.
But the magic of remote monitoring is that we can electronically determine when a refill is needed.
With a Tankless Gen 3+, in some cases - depending on number of nozzles - a refill might only be needed every 2-4 months. This can save money in service call fees.
The magic of iMist and the Tankless Gen 3+ system doesn't stop there. We can also adjust the solution concentration - giving you a stronger solution when mosquitoes are more numerous. All of this with the ability for us to monitor daily through our control center, and an iMist App for your iPhone.
If you don't currently have Tankless Gen 3+ or iMist, but are interested, let me know and I will be happy to give you pricing.
All of our systems and pricing are available on our ePestSupply website and online catalog.
If you have questions, just email or give me a call.
Thank you for your business -
Ron (RJ) Dawson