ePestSupply is Your #1 Source For Hex-Pro® & Shatter™ Termite Bait
Hex Pro Termite Bait Station Key
Hex Pro Termite Bait Station Wood Replacements
Hex Pro Termite Bait System
Shatter Termite Bait Cartridge

Termites cause over $5 billion in damage to U.S. Homes each year.

Mass infestation
Termites infest nearly 4 million U.S. homes annually and damage is typically not covered by homeowners insurance.

Fascinating facts
The total weight of all termites outweighs that of humans. Queens can lay an egg every 15 seconds.
How the Hex-Pro® system works
The Hex-Pro® system is a professional quality termite baiting system that controls termites with a less invasive and targeted approach. It's the original Sentricon® designed for non-licensed use.
Professional Inspection
The Hex-Pro system should start with a professional inspection of the home from a pest management company to determine what species of termites pose a threat and / or are present. Hex-Pro stations will only kill subterranean termites. Drywood termites are not effected.
Hex-Pro stations are placed in the soil
Stations are then placed every 8-10 feet in the soil in prime termite-foraging areas around the house. In areas of known termite activity, auxiliary Hex-Pro termite stations may also be installed and baited immediately.
Stations checked regularly
Hex-Pro stations are checked 2-3 times per year for signs of termite activity.
Termites feed on Shatter® termite bait
Once in the bait cartridge, termites feed on Shatter™ termite bait. They then tunnel back to their colony and send nestmates back to feed on the bait. After several weeks, the termite colony declines and is finally destroyed. It only takes 2-3 Shatter® cartridges to kill an average colony.
Termites controlled
Once termites are controlled, used bait cartridges are replaced with wood monitors. You can continue to check for signs of activity as long as you want to prevent new termites from infesting from off property areas.
Benefits of the Hex-Pro® system
The Hex-Pro® system is a professionally installed and serviced system that controls termites with a less invasive and targeted approach.

Ease of purchase, installation and monitoring
The Hex-Pro® is a non-licensed version of the original Sentricon® Termite Baiting System introduced years ago. From building owners to pest control professionals, Hex-Pro® is designed for ease of purchase, ease of installation and ease of termite monitoring. Shatter® Termite Bait may not be registered for non-professional use in some states.

Complete control of termites
The Hex-Pro® system is effective against all economically important subterranean (not drywood or dampwood) termite species in the continental United States and Hawaii. It does the job in varying soil, climate and geographic conditions.

Long term effectiveness
The Hex-Pro system not only tackles current termite infestations, it also addresses the long-term threat. To keep the property protected from another termite colony invasion, the Hex-Pro termite stations are left in the ground and the pest management professional will continue to monitor them for as long as the service agreement continues.
Hex-Pro® Termite Bait System. Good for the environment.
With the Hex-Pro® system, there is no structural drilling, trenching around structures or restrictions around water sources or wells,
meaning it is less disruptive to home, lawn and landscaping.
What is the active ingredient in Shatter™ termite bait that controls termites?
The active ingredient is hexaflumuron, an insect growth regulator that stops the termites vital molting process so they are unable to grow. As a result, they die. Hexaflumuron has demonstrated more than 20 years of in-field success killing, controlling and eliminating termites. Hexaflumuron was the original chitin inhibitor in Sentricon introduced in 2000. It's proven to work in thousands of structures nationwide.
Why not just put Shatter termite bait in all the Hex-Pro® termite stations right away?
Shatter termite bait can be placed in auxiliary Hex-Pro termite stations right away in areas where termite activity is suspected. Elsewhere, establishing feeding in the Hex-Pro termite station first is important because termite foraging can be unpredictable. Baiting all Hex-Pro termite stations offers no advantage in termite control and can substantially increase your cost.
How long does it take to control the termites?
Once the Hex-Pro system is installed, it can take from a few weeks to a few months for termites to enter the Hex-Pro termite stations, depending on time of year, geography, termite pressure and termite species. Once the termites enter the bait cartridges and begin feeding on Shatter termite bait, the process of termite control can begin. Colonies may begin to decline as quickly as four weeks after feeding on Shatter termite bait. It is important to remember that the termites’ natural behavior, upon which the Hex-Pro system depends, does vary with the factors mentioned above, so the time and effort needed to achieve control can vary as well.
Is the Hex-Pro® system effective against all types of termites?
Shatter™ termite bait used in the Hex-Pro system is effective against all economically important subterranean (not drywood or dampwood) termite species in the continental United States and Hawaii. It does the job in varying soil, climate and geographic conditions.
What if a house is already infested with subterranean termites?
The Hex-Pro system will be installed to control the current termite infestation and the long-term threat. If the infestation is serious, you may need to use an additional "spot" termite treatment with liquid chemicals for immediate, localized control.
What if the termite colony is right beneath the house?
Termites can travel more than 100 yards in search of food. Termites forage in an approach like tree branches, radiating out from the colony nest. Hex-Pro termite stations are an easy target for foraging termites, because they are in the soil where subterranean termites live and forage.
When the termites are controlled, will the Hex-Pro termite stations be removed?
Once the current termite threat has been controlled by Shatter termite bait, another termite colony could invade the property. To keep the property protected, the Hex-Pro termite stations are left in the ground and you can continue to monitor them for as long as you want to. We recommend continued monitoring as termites from off property can invade and reinfest at any time.
Questions About Hex-Pro® or Shatter® - Ask Ron!