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How To Get Rid of German Cockroaches
Pest Prevention Series - Free Report: How To Get Rid of and Eliminate German Cockroaches Like a Pro!
German cockroaches driving you nuts? Put down the can of Raid and forget using messy smelly sprays from the store. Learn which products and methods are best and how to get rid of German cockroaches for good! German cockroaches are the world's number #1 cockroach pest. Contrary to popular belief, they did not originate in Germany, and as some people in Germany believe - it's an American cockroach (which is a totally different species). Their name is derived from their scientific name (Blattella Germanica).German cockroaches are the #1 pest cockroach in the World for 3 reasons -
- A single pair of German cockroaches can mathematically produce over 800,000 offspring in 1 year.
- German cockroaches are a domesticated cockroach and are transported everywhere by people and goods.
- The over-use of pesticide sprays has caused the majority of German cockroaches to be "resistant". Resistance to insecticides is sort of like an "immunity", the insecticides have no effect and the cockroaches continue to thrive and multiply.
How to Get Rid of And Eliminate German Cockroaches
German cockroaches are one of the nastiest, smelliest and hard to control insects in homes and restaurants. There are few pests that multiply as rapidly and are as difficult to control as the German cockroach. If the conditions are right, mathematically, 2 German cockroaches can produce over 800,000 offspring in a single year! Killing and eliminating German cockroaches isn't easy. There are no magic sprays and over the counter products simply don't get rid of them. The products that do work to get rid of German cockroaches are "professional quality" and not sold in hardware stores. So don't waste your time or money looking for them locally. Seeing a single German cockroach on a counter, in a cabinet or in a pantry is an ominous sign. Know that if you see one cockroach lurking around, there are potentially many more hiding out. If you see several on a regular basis, there could be a real problem brewing. Getting rid of and eliminating German cockroaches can be accomplished - if the right formula's and treatment methods are used. Yet millions of dollars are wasted every year on over the counter sprays that do nothing to stop their reproduction. Some of our customers tell me they have spent hundreds of dollars on products at their hardware store and still have huge problems. By using the following steps, the proper formula's and application timing, controlling German cockroach infestations can be achieved. The good news is that it's fairly easy to do. It's also economical and will leave you feeling accomplished. So let's get started!Step #1 - Determine Level of German Cockroach Infestation
German cockroaches love heat. They also love water and moisture. When these 2 elements combine, it creates bacteria and fungus. This can be their food source. In most SEVERE german cockroach infestations, their very existence can be traced to heat, water and fungus or some other food source. This is all it takes to keep them going. These heat and food sources can be anywhere, inside walls, under stoves, behind dishwashers, refrigerators, etc. This is where the breeding begins, and because it's out of hidden and out of sight, the infestation can quickly grow before you even know it. These heat and food sources can be anywhere - inside walls, under stoves, behind dishwashers, refrigerators, etc. This is where the breeding begins, and because these areas are hidden and out of sight, the infestation can quickly grow before you even know it. The reason that German cockroach populations get so high, is primarily due to their fast reproductive traits and the numbers of their offspring. The female German cockroach when birthing, will carry what is called an "ootheca" or egg capsule with her until just before it either hatches or she dies. Within this egg capsule there can be as many as 50 baby or what are called "nymph" cockroaches. German Cockroach With Twisted Wings Effected By IGR How to apply - Gentrol Point Source is a disk shaped pad that contains a "vial" of Gentrol. The vial is broken by hand by pressing and gently bending it. The Gentrol is then absorbed by the cloth contained in the disk. The Gentrol is then slowly released into the environment. Place Gentrol Point Source Disks under each sink, and behind refrigerators and washing machines. These areas tend to be German cockroach hangouts and the Point Source disk can be stuck to the wall with 2 sided tape included with the disk. How often to apply - Every 3 months - For best results, re-apply new Gentrol Point Source Insect Growth Regulator disks every 3 months.Step #5 - Developing a German Cockroach Treatment Plan
Now that all of the strategy's and methods have been explored, all of the best German cockroach control products used by professionals explained, it's time to start a treatment plan.This strategic plan basically moves through a 90 day process of reducing and eliminating the existing infestation. Then it rotates into a 90 day and 6 month cycle of inspection and retreatments to prevent German cockroaches from getting re-established. Whether or not you decide to follow this German cockroach treatment plan, knowing the basic strategy behind it will help you to determine which parts you want to perform or delay. The bottom line is this - if you follow this plan using these products, you will get control of German cockroaches. As mentioned before, sanitation plays a major factor in your efforts. This control plan will work as a preventive and also to get rid of and eliminate severe German cockroach infestations almost anywhere. The decision on whether you want to do this yourself or call a professional is up to you. If you decide to do this yourself, we have a German Cockroach Control Kit that contains everything you need to begin the treatment process. This treatment also works well for other species of cockroaches such as Brown Banded Cockroaches. Outdoor species such as the Palmetto Bug, American and Smoky Brown Cockroach, Oriental Cockroach and Asian Cockroaches are covered in other articles. So there you have it, a German cockroach control plan that is used by professionals and this is how they do it. There are no simple 1 time treatments or sprays that work. By following this strategy, you can kill German cockroaches, eliminate their infestations and prevent them from returning. If you need help or have additional questions, please feel free to contact us at or call us at 1-855-553-7378.To make your treatment plan work, follow these steps to get rid of German Cockroaches -
Initial Treatment - Entire Home
- Advion Gel Bait - Apply
- BorActin Dust - Apply
- D-Force Insecticide Aerosol - Apply
- Victor Roach Traps - Place
- Gentrol Point Source - Place
7 Day Followup - Kitchen and Bathrooms
- Victor Roach Traps - Inspect
- D-Force Insecticide - Apply
- Advion Gel Bait - Re-apply as needed
14 Re-inspection - Kitchen only
- Victor Roach Traps - Inspect
- D-Force Insecticide - Apply
- Advion Gel Bait - Re-apply as needed
21 Day Re-inspection - Kitchen and Bathrooms
- Victor Roach Traps - Inspect
- D-Force Insecticide - Apply
- Advion Gel Bait - Re-apply as needed
30 Day Re-inspection - Kitchen only
- Victor Roach Traps - Inspect
- D-Force Insecticide - Apply
- Advion Gel Bait - Re-apply as needed
2 Months - Re-inspect Entire Home
- Victor Roach Traps - Inspect
- D-Force Insecticide - Apply
- Advion Gel Bait - Re-apply as needed
3 Months - Re-treat Entire Home
- D-Force Insecticide - Apply
- Victor Roach Traps - Replace
- Gentrol Point Source - Replace
- Advion Gel Bait - re-apply as needed
6 Months - Re-treat Entire Home
- Advion Gel Bait - re-apply
- BorActin Dust - Re-apply
- D-Force Insecticide - Apply
- Victor Roach Traps - Replace
- Gentrol Point Source - Replace
9 Months - Repeat 3 Month Treatment
1 Year - Repeat 6 Months Treatment
Thereafter - Repeat 3-6 month Treatment
German Cockroach Control Tips From The Pros -
- Use professional grade products. Over the counter sprays and baits don't work. Don't waste time or money at the local store.
- Don't use wet smelly sprays. German cockroaches are repelled and resistant to most insecticide sprays. Do use baits, dusts and insect growth regulators.
- Place bait in concealed areas only. When applying Cockroach Gel Baits, don't make the bait visible to children and / or pets.
- Re-apply cockroach gel baits as needed. Applying bait one time and expecting it to kill all of the German cockroaches is a mistake. If the bait is gone, then keep re-applying until it stops disappearing.
- Sanitation is key. Clean up clutters, messes and open or exposed food. Vacuum and wipe down counters regularly to remove food particles and crumbs. Don't leave water or dirty plates in sinks overnight. Wipe down sinks nightly to remove any moisture. Pouring a small amount of bleach down drains will keep roaches out of them.
- Concentrate your treatment around food, water and heat sources. German cockroaches need all of these to survive. 95% of all German cockroaches will be found in these areas.
- Follow up on a regular basis. Not following up will allow them to keep multiplying and spreading. Stay ahead of them through regular followups and retreatments until they are gone.
- Don't get frustrated. Pest control is a process. Having the correct products and plan is extremely important. The time spent completing this program could be compared to painting a room or doing some remodel work. Stick with it, don't speed through it and spend time.